Sunday, September 29, 2019

My fourth batch of Cathedral Provincial Park photos September 14/19

This batch is our traverse of the apex of Red Mountain, in particular the boulder field.

Closer shot of the couple we met in the boulder field.

My hiking partner gingering traversing the boulder field.
Visible in the upper right is the Rim Trail we came down.

Looking at the hanging valley above Quiniscoe Lk.
If you look carefully in the middle there are two couples 
in the valley, one ascending and the other descending.

Looking back at the Rim Trail from Red Mt.
The white area below the trail is limestone, not snow.

Backside of the boulder field. Acres of ankle busters!

Quiniscoe Lk from Red Mt.

Some beautiful luminescent appearing lichens.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My third batch of Cathedral Provincial Park photos September 14/19.

Hardy lichens at 8300 ft.

Glacier Lk, and in the centre bare area you can see the Glacier 
Lk Trail we hiked across prior to our ascent.

A cairn marking the Rim Trail (visible to the right) between 
Quiniscoe Mt and Red Mt.

Small hardy plants tucked into the shelter of a couple boulders 
at over 8100 ft.

The Rim Trail between Quiniscoe MT & Red Mt, our 
next goal.

A draw adjacent to Red Mt where one can descend a rough trail 
to Quiniscoe Lk

A couple hikers we met who're descending the boulder field we
had just traversed to gain the summit of Red Mt.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

My second batch of Cathedral Provincial Park photos. September 14/19.

Like the previous batch these were taken in very flat light and are nothing to write home about photographically. They are more of a documentary statement ;-).

Looking towards our goal from the plateau area of the Glacier Lk Trail.

My intrepid companions close to the bottom of our steep ascent through a boulder riddled slope.

Stopped to catch my breath and wondered if I'd make it through the boulder field unscathed!
My companions nearing the rim.

Looking down on Quiniscoe Lk and the lodge & cabin complex.

From the rim trail looking at Quiniscoe Lk on the L & Glacier Lk on the R.
In the background are glimpses of Lk of the Woods & Pyramid Lk.
The bare mountain in the far background is Lakeview Mt at 8622 ft elevation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The first of my Cathedral Provincial Park photos September 14, 2019

It was an extremely windy, cold, dry day, with very flat lighting for photography.

Through a larch forest along the Glacier Lk Trail.

Further along the trail with my 3 intrepid hiking companions.

The party divides...

...and half slowly disappears.

As I said, it was extremely windy.

Glacier Lk from the summit of Red Mtn.